Our formulations are inspired by Ayurveda.

When translated from Sanskrit, Ayurveda means the Science of Life. Ayurveda finds its divine origin in India and traces back to the Vedas.

Anti-aging properties of traditional ayurvedic herbal ingredients:

  • Age Defying activity (Vayasthapana) – Ingredient that maintains youthfulness through proper nourishment.
  • Youthful Radiance (Varnya) – Ingredients that enhance skin Radiance or brighten skin complexion.
  • Protection from normal wear and tear (Sandhaniya) Ingredients that regenerate aged cells.
  • Deep Healing (Vranaropana) – Ingredients that promote deeper healing in skin
  • Enhancing and Nurturing (Tvachya) – Ingredients that support moisture balance.
  • Anti-Inflammatory (Shothahara) – Ingredients that protect against Inflammation and effects of stress on skin.
  • Maintaining Skins metabolic mechanism (Tvachaagnivardhani) – Ingredients that enhance skins luster by enhancing skins metabolism
  • Age Retardation (Tvagrasayana) – Powerful herbs that prevent aging of the skin

All Herbs & Greens products use high-quality ingredients that adhere to the above principles of anti-aging. Pure Herbs like Amla, Bhringraj, Gotukola, Brahmi, Ashwagandha, Tulsi, Neem, Manjishtha, Saffron, Rose, Mint, Licorice, Honey, Green Tea & Aloe Vera form an integral part of our product formulation.